Näinä taloudellisesti vaikeina aikoina voi tarve yrityksen purkamiselle tulla monella yrittäjälle eteen yllättäen. Kerromme tässä, miten yrityksen lopetusprosessi tarkalleen menee.
In order to liquidate an Estonian company and liquidate a business, a decision and application of liquidation must be made, showing who is going to liquidate the company, in other words, the liquidator. The liquidator will then place a notice on the Official Announcements Website (www.ametlikudteadaanded.ee) stating that the company will be liquidated. At the same time, the financial statements and balance sheet must be drawn up, showing the company’s assets and liabilities. Any cooperation agreements will also be terminated at this stage.
Afterthat), josta ilmenee, että yritys puretaan. Kyseessä on ns. julkinen haaste, jolla velkojia tiedotetaan yrityksen selvitystilasta. Julkinen haaste tulee tehdä riippumatta siitä, onko yrityksellä velkojia tai ei ja julkisen haasteen tulee olla Virallisessa lehdessä vähintään 7 kk, ennen kuin kaupparekisteri poistaa yrityksen.
Then, the final dividend can be raised from the company. The dividend is also subject to income tax.
You will then have to wait another 3 months to apply for cancellation with the Trade Register.
We have closed dozens of Estonian companies and we have a strong track record in liquidation.
The prices for liquidation of a business start from € 500. The whole process takes about 7-8 months.
Bankruptcy proceedings may also be filed in other ways than voluntarily, for example, by a principal, a creditor or an authority. It should also be remembered that an Estonian company must prepare annual financial statements, regardless of whether the company has an activity or not. In other words, the company cannot be shut down by notifying the Estonian Trade Register that the company does not close its accounts because there has been no activity.
Selvitystilamenettelyn pääkomponentit ovat seuraavat:
Virolaisen yrityksen likvidointi on samankaltainen prosessi, kuin Suomessa on selvitystilamenettely.