Company to Estonia

Yritys Viroon on ensimmäinen askel kansainvälistymisen tiellä. Yrityksen perustaminen ja rekisteröinti Viroon sekä valmisyrityksen ostaminen Virosta on nykyään hyvin yksinkertaista ja nopeaa, etenkin jos sinulla on e-kansalaisuus tai Viron ID-kortti. Muille uuden yrityksen perustaminen on hivenen työläämpää ja siksi Viroon onkin syntynyt asianajo- ja konsultointitoimistoja, joiden avulla yhtiö Viroon onnistuu jouhevasti.

We want to stand out from other companies in the field by offering the most comprehensive and personal services and consulting possible to those planning to start a business in Estonia. An example of this is the Basic ready-made companies produced by Ryynänen Consulting OÜ, which allows you to start your business today and give a professional image of your company. We also succeed in setting up a holding company in Estonia.

Katso tästä lista paketeista, joita tarjoamme. Yritys Viroon onnistuu kauttamme vaivattomasti – joko tulemalla paikan päälle tai kotisohvaltasi!

Company to Estonia

A ready-made company is the easiest and fastest way to set up a company in Estonia. Our ready-to-operate companies have been established for sale and have no previous business, unless otherwise stated. The finished company has already been registered in the Estonian Trade Register and operations can start immediately.

Kaikki tarjoamamme valmisyhtiöt ovat yhtiömuodoltaan rajavastuuyhtiötä, joihin on jo perustaessa maksettu osakepääoma 2500 €, mikä on luonnollisesti nostettu ulos yrityksestä ennen sen myyntiä uudelle omistajalle.

E-service company

You can buy a company from Estonia
from your own home sofa!
  • Personal advice from an entrepreneur with a consultant (2h)
  • You need an Estonian e-citizenship card or an Estonian identity card, card PIN codes and a reading device
  • Tarvittavan hakemuksen valmistelu
  • A brand new, start-up company
  • Install the necessary programs on your computer remotely
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Budget company

Koko prosessin hoito 3 tuntia. Huom: kyseinen paketti edellyttää yhden kerran Tallinnassa käyntiä.
  • Yrittäjän henkilökohtainen neuvonta suomalaisen konsultin kanssa (3h)
  • Osakepääoman voi merkata maksetuksi heti
  • Preparation of the necessary documents
  • A brand new, start-up company
  • Interpretation when signing founding papers
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Basic company

Process of the whole package takes about 4 hours. Note: that package requires a one-time visit to Tallinn.
  • Personal advice from an entrepreneur with a consultant (4h)
  • Valmisyhtiöön on jo merkitty osakepääoma 2500 € maksetuksi
  • Change of name
  • Interpretation when signing founding papers
  • Necessary documents and alterations
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Acquisition of a company in Tallinn

Kauppa- tai perustusasiakirjat allekirjoitetaan ja vahvistetaan notaarin toimistossa Tallinnassa. Notaari tulkkaa dokumentit suomeksi. Notaari on käytettävissämme viikon jokaisena arkipäivänä, joten kaupantekotilaisuus voidaan järjestää parhaimmillaan jopa 24 tunnin kuluessa tilauksestasi. Kaupantekotilaisuuden jälkeen voimme avata tilin nopealla aikataululla. Yritys Viroon ja pankkitili saadaan auki max 5 pv aikana ja liiketoimintanne voi alkaa sen jälkeen välittömästi. Pankkikortti saapuu postilla 5 työpäivän sisällä tilinavaamisesta.

Company to Estonia “remotely”

You can also buy an Estonian company “remotely” without having to come to visit Tallinn. There are two options for this:

1. Allekirjoitamme kauppakirjan sähköisesti. Tämä edellyttää, että sinulla on voimassa oleva Viron e-kansalaisuuskortti tai Viron henkilökortti ja siihen liittyvät PIN-koodit. Myös Smart-ID käy. E-kansalaisuuskortin voi tilata here. Pankkitilin voi avata myöskin etänä.

2. Lähetät meille valtakirjan, joka on vahvistettu maistraatissa (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto) Suomessa. Valtakirjan perusteella teemme kaupat puolestasi. Tietyissä tapauksissa pankkitilin voi avata myöskin etänä.

Company in Estonia - Basic companies

Buying a ready-made company in Estonia is considerably safer than, for example, in Finland, because in Estonia a public notary always confirms that the company has not carried out any previous business activities before the change of ownership.

Me nopeutamme asiakkaidemme prosessia rekisteröimällä jatkuvasti uusia yhtiöitä, jotka ovat yleensä vain nimenvaihtoa vailla valmiita uuden yrittäjän käytettäväksi. Valmisyhtiö sopii silloin, kun sinulla erittäin kiire yrityksen perustamisen kanssa ja tarvitset y-tunnuksen heti käyttöön. Yritykseen on myös kirjanpidollisesti maksettu 2500 € osakepääoma

The most common form of company in Estonia among small and medium-sized enterprises is OÜ. For larger companies, we also offer the establishment service of the Estonian limited company AS.

With a ready-made company, you can start a business right away

A ready-made company is the easiest and fastest way to set up a company in Estonia. Our ready-to-operate companies have been established for sale and have no previous business operations.

They are pre-registered in the Estonian Trade Register and the company's new owners can start operations on a fast schedule.

All the companies we offer are limited liability companies, to which the required share capital of € 2,500 has already been paid, which has naturally been taken out of the company before it is sold to a new owner.

Opening a bank account for an Estonian company

Over the years, Estonian banks have steadily tightened their account opening policies in line with EU and US anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering laws. Banks use the Know your customer (KYC) process, which allows the bank to decide whether or not to open an account. It is often advisable to seek a preliminary ruling from a bank regarding the opening of an account. When you provide the bank with sufficient and convincing starting information (business plan, CV / LinkedIn, Estonian partners, a letter of recommendation from your home bank), account opening is usually successful. Banks require that the company has a business in Estonia or that the business owner resides in Estonia.

The bank will also charge € 200 for opening an account if the customer does not have an Estonian ID card. When you provide the bank with sufficient and convincing initial information, opening an account is usually successful without any problems.

As traditional banks have tightened their policies, the so-called corporate account providers have grown in popularity because it is easier for them to open a bank account. It is not a bank, but a payment institution licensed by the Financial Supervisory Authority. However, the company receives a bank account and a debit card, as in a traditional bank, but the payment institution does not grant a loan.

Have a question?


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions. Please contact us for more information.

Yes. The tax law may say the following: A company operating abroad is considered to have a fixed establishment abroad.. Whenever the company's management and administration are carriedabroad from a fixed establishment.

If you want to avoid paying taxes abroad for a permanent establishment, 51% of the company's ownership should be outside outside of your home country.

An Estonian company may operate abroad, but in certain cases the company may have a permanent establishment there. In that case, the taxation and fees of the permanent establishment will go according to that country law.

The branch may be successfully established. The following documents are required:

  • an official certified extract from the Trade Register;
  • a power of attorney certifying the authority of the branch manager;
  • confirmed articles of association;
  • branch industry and contact information.

The name of the company will be “Your company name Eesti Filiaal”.

Companies are following:

  • Limited liability company (osaühing or OÜ) - minimum capital EUR 2,500; the nominal value of the shares is at least 1 euro.
  • Limited liability company (aktsiaselts or AS) - minimum capital EUR 25,000; the nominal value of the shares is at least EUR 0.10. The shares must be registered and registered in the central register of the Estonian Central Securities Depository.
  • Public limited company (general partnership or UT).
  • Limited partnership (limited partnership or UÜ)
  • Self - employed (self - employed or FIE).
  • Branch of a foreign company - permanently offers products or services under its own name, the branch is not a legal entity. The company is responsible for the obligations arising from the operation of the branch.

Yes, you can. One of our most important businesses is the sale of turnkey companies, and we have been doing this for a long time. If we didn’t sell completely clean businesses, our reputation would have gone and we would certainly have already had to close our doors. You can check the background of the companies for sale in the Trade Register at The company's notarized contract of sale also states that the company has not carried on any previous business. But if this does not convince you, we will be happy to help you set up a completely new company in Estonia. Ask more!