Private address service for Estonia and Estonian ID card

We also offer an address service for individuals who have not yet acquired a permanent place of residence in Estonia.

The private person's address service and official address from Estonia help the private person, e.g. to open your own personal bank account in Estonia, get an Estonian social security number (Estonian personal identification number) and an Estonian ID card, i.e. an Estonian identity card, which allows you to manage almost all your own and company affairs online from anywhere in the world.

Getting an Estonian postal address and an Estonian identity card requires drawing up a rental agreement with us. The minimum term for the contract is 6 months.

An individual can also report this address to, for example, the Foreign Magistrate's Office, when he reports a change abroad and possibly applies for tax exemption from his home country. If a person has a residence in Estonia, he is also entitled to drive his company or personally owned vehicle registered in Estonia when he is abroad. This arrangement also helps foreclosure debtors and those whose credit reports have gone bad. Foreign and Estonian bailiffs cooperate, but it is significantly more difficult for foreign bailiffs to operate in Estonia than in it's homeland. If your credit information is gone, you can start from a "clean slate" in Estonia.

However, a foreign citizen cannot use an Estonian identity card as a travel document. 

The price of the private address service:

€100/month, min. contract 6 monthsTOTAL €600*

€80/month, min. contract 12 months, YHTEENSÄ 960 €*

*Koko summa tulee maksaa kerralla.

The service enables an Estonian identity card, a five-year residence permit, an Estonian ID card, i.e. an Estonian identity card, and a personal bank account in Estonia. The price includes our help in the whole process and also the forwarding of mail.

With a PO box address, you can also open a bank account in Estonia - without it, it is very difficult. If you want to open a foreign bank account, we recommend taking a personal address service in Estonia from us. If you are moving to Estonia permanently, it may make sense to take a personal address service at first, because it gives you time to look for an actual apartment in Estonia. Often, looking for a suitable apartment is a time-consuming task. In addition, landlords trust more a tenant who already has an Estonian ID card, because then it is easier to do a background check on a potential tenant. The Estonian identity card also enables the digital signing of contracts and logging into the bank. Contracts are rarely signed on paper in Estonia today, because contracts are almost always digitally signed electronically. The Estonian ID card also allows you to use Tallinn's public transport for free. An Estonian identity card is also a prerequisite in order to apply for an Estonian driver's license.

Getting an Estonian ID card requires 2-3 visits to Tallinn, and the price includes our help each time. The price also includes opening a bank account in Estonia and applying to become a taxable person in Estonia. In addition, a stamp tax of €30 must be paid at the police department for the Estonian ID card. If you want to order an identity card quickly, you must pay a €45 stamp duty. You do not need to take photos with you to the police station, because the photos are taken on the spot with a photo machine. The Estonian ID card is usually ready in about two weeks after the first visit. Our record is that the Estonian ID card was ready in two working days. Here is picture, what the finished Estonian ID card looks like.

You can find information on the company's address service here.