
We offer our clients flexible and high quality recruitment services. We recruit temporary and permanent experts for management, expert, executive and executive positions. We carry out recruitment in Estonia. We have a good idea of ​​the Estonian labor market because we are active in the country. We also provide Headhunting services.

In addition to experience and know-how, we pay great attention to our client’s corporate culture, operating practices and values. The starting point for succesful recruitment is always a professionality in the recruitment process. We handle the process for you; you will only need to make the final choice of candidates we have sent. Our core competence is to find the best candidates. We begin the recruitment process by defining a candidate profile and job description, and then developing a schedule. Based on the profile of the applicant, we will launch a profile search across different channels. We go through a variety of media on a case-by-case basis to find the right employees for your business. We also design newspaper and Internet ads for you.

Meillä on hyvä käsitys Viron työvoimarkkinoista, koska toimimme maassa aktivisesti.

Onnistuneen rekrytoinnin lähtökohtana on aina ammattimaisesti suoritettu rekrytointiprosessi. Hoidamme prosessin puolestasi; sinulle jää vain lopullinen valinta lähettämiemme ehdokkaiden joukosta. Meidän ydinosaamistamme on löytää hakijoista parhaat.

Aloitamme rekrytointiprosessin hakijaprofiilin ja toimenkuvan määrittelyllä, jonka jälkeen laadimme aikataulusuunnitelman. Hakijaprofiilin perusteella käynnistämme profiilin mukaisen haun eri kanavissa.

Käymme tilannekohtaisesti läpi useita eri medioita löytääksemme juuri sinun yrityksellesi oikeat työntekijät. Suunnittelemme puolestasi myös lehti- ja Internet-ilmoitukset.

For example, we are responsible for

  • interviews with candidates
  • knowledge and personality assessment
  • referencing references
  • informing jobseekers

Direct recruitment

 The selected person will immediately start working for the customer.

We also assist in the various stages of the process

You can provide us with parts of the recruitment process, such as the application process or the qualifying or interviewing phase. We also handle parts of the process in the customer’s name and premises as needed.

We have many years of experience in recruiting and have employed dozens of people throughout our careers. All experience guarantees high quality of recruitment!

Meillä on monien vuosiaen kokemus työntekijöiden palkkaamisesta ja uran aikana olemme palkanneet useita kymmeniä ihmisiä. Koko kokemus takaa rekrytoinnin korkean laadun!

Estonian employment contracts

Estonia’s employment contracts differ in many aspects from those used in other countries. First of all, what may be surprising is that the Estonian employment contract can be up to 10 pages long, while the equivalent employment contract used in other countries is only a few pages long. In Estonia, a job description is often signed in addition to the employment contract, describing the job as accurately as possible. For the employment contract and job description to be correct, it requires a thorough knowledge of the Estonian Employment Contracts Act.

Virossa usein myös työsopimuksen lisäksi allekirjoitetaan erikseen työnkuvaus, jossa työtehtävät kuvataan mahdollisimman tarkkaan.

Jotta työsopimus ja työnkuvaus tulisi tehtyä oikein, vaatii se tarkkaa Viron työsopimuslain tuntemista.